Latest Recipes

A vegetarian spaghetti sauce


I know that mostly the people who turn vegetarians quote humanitarian reasons of doing so or at least that is what my experience has been. That is the resounding reason that I had to listen to every time I asked them for one. It was as if they were the...

A low calorie spaghetti bolognese sauce


Often the home cooked food needs to be turned around a little if you want it to be good for your health regime. Home cooked recipes, like a spaghetti sauce recipe, especially the traditional ones in my family are completely a carb and fat overload and I end up with...

A fresh red spaghetti sauce


Being a home maker can be a quite a daunting task if you have never lifted a finger to do some housework for over 20 years like me. I know what this situation can feel like since this was exactly my situation around 5 years ago. I ended up marrying...

A bacon lover's spaghetti sauce


If you are like me and like to make new pathways rather than tread the old ones, then I welcome you to a new journey on the path of coking this Thanksgiving. Hold on, I am not asking you to do away with the turkey! That will be like following...

A semi-home cooked spaghetti sauce


That cold breeze definitely puts one off the cold food and ignites the want to eat something hot to get some warmth. Sadly, at a store (not a restaurant) the options are usually limited. I mean I most certainly do not want to have cold sandwiches or room temperature burgers...

A home cooked spaghetti sauce


Whenever I suggest to someone that they should take up a diet that comprises of more fresh food than they currently do, I often get to hear the most common comment as who has the time for that. It is true and despite being an advocate of eating fresh, I...

An easy to make thick spaghetti sauce


Whenever I would meet other mothers over a dinner party or just a get together, I never really understood all the fuss they talked about their children not liking the food they cooked. Well, believe you me; it was a bit too much to take. It was like listening to...

Spaghetti sauce cooked in red wine


I do not mind people telling me that food for me is nothing without wine. Drinking wine is like a part of a family tradition for me. I come from a long lineage of wine lovers and although it is an acquired taste for many people, I am blessed with...

Spaghetti sauce with oregano flavor


I do not know whether it is the playfulness quality that a spaghetti dish has or simply that it is so soft, but it is an absolute favorite of every member f my family. From my 35 year old husband to my 8 year old daughter (and her two older...